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CHARINDEX vs LIKE search gives very different performance, why?

We use Entity Frameworks for DB access and when we "think" LIKE statement - it actually generates CHARINDEX stuff. So, here is 2 simple queries, after I simplified them to prove a point on our certain server:

-- Runs about 2 seconds
SELECT * FROM LOCAddress WHERE Address1 LIKE '%1124%' 
-- Runs about 16 seconds
SELECT * FROM LOCAddress WHERE ( CAST(CHARINDEX(LOWER(N'1124'), LOWER([Address1])) AS int)) = 1

Table contains about 100k records right now. Address1 is VarChar(100) field, nothing special.

Here is snip of 2 plans side by side. Doesn't make any sense, shows 50% and 50% but execution times like 1:8 enter image description here

I searched online and general advice is to use CHARINDEX instead of LIKE. In our experience it's opposite. My question is what causing this and how we can fix it without code change?

like image 410
katit Avatar asked Sep 25 '15 18:09


People also ask

Is Charindex faster than like?

I just did a very simple test using client statistics and I know that isn't the most accurate way to measure performance. Based on that, the differences between LIKE and CHARINDEX are negligible with the split string and join method following close behind.

What is the difference between substring and Charindex?

CHARINDEX function in SQL queries It works reverse to the SUBSTRING function. The substring() returns the string from the starting position however the CHARINDEX returns the substring position. In the below example, we retrieve the position of substring SQLSHACK.COM using the CHARINDEX.

What is the difference between Charindex and Patindex?

The charindex and patindex functions return the starting position of a pattern you specify. Both take two arguments, but they work slightly differently, since patindex can use wildcard characters, but charindex cannot.

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There is no difference at all between left and substring because left is translated to substring in the execution plan. Save this answer.

1 Answers

I will answer my own question since it was hard to find correct answer and I was pointed to the problem by SQL Server 2012 Execution Plan output. As you see in original question - everything looks OK on surface. This is SQL Server 2008.

When I run same query on 2012 I got warning on CHARINDEX query. Problem is - SQL Server had to do type conversion. Address1 is VarChar and query has N'1124' which is Unicode or NVarChar. If I change this query as so:

FROM LOCAddress 
WHERE (CAST(CHARINDEX(LOWER('1124'), LOWER([Address1])) AS int)) 

It then runs same as LIKE query. So, type conversion that was caused by Entity Framework generator was causing this horrible hit in performance.

like image 141
katit Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 10:11
