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Character encoding problem with decryption in PHP from C#

I think I've got a good one for you.

I've got some C# code that encrypts and decrypts strings. It looks something like this :

    public static string EncryptString(String toEncrypt, String key)
        Debug.WriteLine("Encrypting string: " + toEncrypt + "&key:" + key);
        Rijndael AES = Rijndael.Create();
        AES.KeySize = 128;
        AES.BlockSize = 128;
        AES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
        AES.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;
        MD5CryptoServiceProvider Hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
        AES.Key = Hasher.ComputeHash(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
        ICryptoTransform crypto = AES.CreateEncryptor(AES.Key, AES.IV); 
        byte[] txt = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( HEADER + toEncrypt);
        byte[] cipherText = crypto.TransformFinalBlock(txt, 0, txt.Length);
        return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText);;

When I encrypt or decrypt in C# it works like a charm. In php I have a decryption algorithm that looks like this:

    if($msg!= "" && $key != "")
        $msg = parseMsg($msg);
        mcrypt_get_key_size ( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,  MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
        $decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, md5($key,true), base64_decode($msg),MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);      
        $headerLoc = strpos($decrypted,$correctHeader);         
        /*$decrypted = str_replace($correctHeader,"",$decrypted);
        for($x = 0; $x < 31; $x++)
            // an attempt at getting rid of control characters
            $decrypted = str_replace(chr($x),"",$decrypted);

The commented out code is just some of the attempts I've made to get the string decoded correctly. The strange part, is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't even without strange characters.

For example:

Herp Derp with key: Red works

Message Herp Derp with key swordfish does not work.

Long messages with the key red do no work.

No message with key swordfish works.

Could that mean that the length of the message key is part of the problem?

I have ensured that the message and the key are correctly transmitted between the php and the C# it is definitely a problem with the encoding/decoding, and based on the garbage that's spit out I think it has to do with UTF8 encoding. I suspect the padding mode as a possible culprit as well, any ideas? Edit: I didn't notice the 1 or 2 missing pluses that would foobar the whole string, Sorry Stack :\ *

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Edit After changing to key size, no strings work. With message Herp Derp and password red, php outputs decrypted as .�ʇ'y-�US2~h\�0�nAZ=�\2/�����|�a���R�`�/������nY�<[B�NB�𳑩@�M_f�E��>7�. Does anyone know what character encoding that might be?

Comparing bytes of just encrypted cypertext in C# and just decrypted PHP, I get C#

php and then c#

enter image description here

Which would indicate the mcrypt call is not working, but how would I fix it?

Edit I have changed the packing mode to zero's, in an attempt to further simplify the problem.

Solved I'll post the solution shortly.

like image 632
Shane Chin Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 13:07

Shane Chin

1 Answers

Had this same problem a while back, my source was being corrupted by "something" and later discovered it was the string functions. strpos is not UTF8 friendly, the mere use of this function changes your character encoding. As a solution replace the

 # this line I suspect is your culprit, the mere inclusion of it is corrupting your data
 # php defaulted string functions are ASCII, even if you change your character set PHP 
 # changes it to ASCII
 $headerLoc = strpos($decrypted,$correctHeader);


 #this works in most cases it did not work for me, it may work for you
 $headerLoc = mb_strpos($decrypted,$correctHeader,0,mb_detect_encoding($decrypted,"auto"));


A blog post on how I managed to work around this using the excellent PHP UTF8 lib. What this lib does is convert everything to unicode then you can work on it from there. It might be cumbersome in this instance so try to get the above going.

Hack your own Utf8 ready String functions from Unicode

I found it a little annoying that there was no mention of this anywhere on the PHP site, I seem to remember having this issue quite a few times in the past.


PHP mb_strpos | PHP strpos

like image 127
Tass Skoudros Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Tass Skoudros