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char* vs const char* as a parameter



There are many times that I get compile errors when I use char* instead of const char*. So, I am not sure the actual difference, the syntax and the compile mechanism.

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Sunscreen Avatar asked Jul 05 '10 13:07


People also ask

What is the difference between char * and const char *?

Simple: "char *name" name is a pointer to char, i.e. both can be change here. "const char *name" name is a pointer to const char i.e. pointer can change but not char.

What is the difference between char * const p and char const * p?

C. NOTE: There is no difference between const char *p and char const *p as both are pointer to a const char and position of '*'(asterik) is also same.

Can you assign a const char * to a string?

You absolutely can assign const char* to std::string , it will get copied though. The other way around requires a call to std::string::c_str() .

2 Answers

If you're after the difference between the two, just think of them as:

  • char* is a pointer that points to a location containing a value of type char that can also be changed. The pointer's value can be changed, i.e. the pointer can be modified to point to different locations.
  • const char* is a pointer, whose value can be also changed, that points to a location containing a value of type char that cannot be changed.
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Rob Wells Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Rob Wells

const char * means "pointer to an unmodifiable character." It's usually used for strings of characters that shouldn't be modified.

Say you're writing this function:

int checkForMatch(const char * pstr) 

You've promised (through the function signature) that you will not change the thing pointed to by pstr. Now say part of checking for a match would involve ignore the case of letters, and you tried to do it by converting the string to upper case before doing your other checks:


You'll get an error saying you can't do that, because strupr is declared as:

char * strupr(char* str); 

...and that means it wants to be able to write to the string. You can't write to the characters in a const char * (that's what the const is for).

In general, you can pass a char * into something that expects a const char * without an explicit cast because that's a safe thing to do (give something modifiable to something that doesn't intend to modify it), but you can't pass a const char * into something expecting a char * (without an explicit cast) because that's not a safe thing to do (passing something that isn't meant to be modified into something that may modify it).

Of course, this is C, and you can do just about anything in C, including explicitly casting a const char * to a char * — but that would be a really, really bad idea because there is (presumably) some reason that the thing being pointed to by the pointer is const.

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

T.J. Crowder