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Changing value of character using ascii value in swift




I'm trying to change a string by changing each individual character.

Right now what I'm doing is reading through the string one character at a time, trying to convert it to ascii, and adding one to the value. I have the following code.

  var phrase = textfield1.text
    var i = 0
    for character in phrase
        var s = String(character).unicodeScalars
       if(i == 0)
            s[s.startIndex].value += 1
        if(i == 1)
            s = s + 2
            i = 0

My println prints out the correct values for whatever words I enter, however I then am unable to manipulate it in my if statement. When I try it gives the following error:

Could not find member 'value'

Is it even possible to do what I'm trying?

like image 525
AndyReifman Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 05:12


2 Answers

You're getting that error because the value property of a UnicodeScalar is read-only, but you're attempting to increment it.

Note that changing things in your loop won't have any effect on phrase - here's a way to do what you're doing using map():

let advanced = String(map(phrase) {
    (ch: Character) -> Character in
    switch ch {
    case " "..."}":                                  // only work with printable low-ASCII
        let scalars = String(ch).unicodeScalars      // unicode scalar(s) of the character
        let val = scalars[scalars.startIndex].value  // value of the unicode scalar
        return Character(UnicodeScalar(val + 1))     // return an incremented character
        return ch     // non-printable or non-ASCII
like image 60
Nate Cook Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 07:12

Nate Cook

The unicodeScalars property is readonly, so you cannot modify it directly.

What you can do is to build a new string from the (modified) Unicode scalars:

var text = "HELLO 🇩🇪 !"
var newText = ""

for uni in text.unicodeScalars {
    var val = uni.value
    if val >= 0x41 && val < 0x5A { // If in the range "A"..."Y", just as an example
        val += 1 // or whatever ...

println(newText) // "IFMMP 🇩🇪 !"

But note that val is a Unicode value, not an ASCII code. You might want to add a check if val is in the range of alphanumeric characters or similar before modifying it.

Update for Swift 3: (Thanks to @adrian.)

let text = "HELLO 🇩🇪 !"
var newText = ""

for uni in text.unicodeScalars {
    var val = uni.value
    if val >= 0x41 && val < 0x5A { // If in the range "A"..."Y", just as an example
        val += 1 // or whatever ...

print(newText) // "IFMMP 🇩🇪 !"
like image 31
Martin R Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 08:12

Martin R