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Changing the scale of a tensor in tensorflow

Sorry if I messed up the title, I didn't know how to phrase this. Anyways, I have a tensor of a set of values, but I want to make sure that every element in the tensor has a range from 0 - 255, (or 0 - 1 works too). However, I don't want to make all the values add up to 1 or 255 like softmax, I just want to down scale the values.

Is there any way to do this?


like image 675
agupta231 Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 14:07


People also ask

How do you modify a tensor value?

we can modify a tensor by using the assignment operator. Assigning a new value in the tensor will modify the tensor with the new value. Import the torch libraries and then create a PyTorch tensor. Access values of the tensor.

How do you transpose in TensorFlow?

transpose(x, perm=[1, 0]) . As above, simply calling tf. transpose will default to perm=[2,1,0] . To take the transpose of the matrices in dimension-0 (such as when you are transposing matrices where 0 is the batch dimension), you would set perm=[0,2,1] .

2 Answers

You are trying to normalize the data. A classic normalization formula is this one:

normalize_value = (value − min_value) / (max_value − min_value)

The implementation on tensorflow will look like this:

tensor = tf.div(

All the values of the tensor will be betweetn 0 and 1.

IMPORTANT: make sure the tensor has float/double values, or the output tensor will have just zeros and ones. If you have a integer tensor call this first:

tensor = tf.to_float(tensor)

Update: as of tensorflow 2, tf.to_float() is deprecated and instead, tf.cast() should be used:

tensor = tf.cast(tensor, dtype=tf.float32) # or any other tf.dtype, that is precise enough
like image 170
Will Glück Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 06:10

Will Glück

According to the feature scaling in Wikipedia you can also try the Scaling to unit length:

enter image description here

It can be implemented using this segment of code:

In [3]: a = tf.constant([2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 1.0, 0])                                                                                                                                                                     
In [4]: b = a / tf.norm(a)
In [5]: b.eval()
Out[5]: array([ 0.26490647,  0.52981293,  0.79471946,  0.13245323,  0.        ], dtype=float32)
like image 25
Lerner Zhang Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10

Lerner Zhang