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Changing Provisioning Profile in Expo from Terminal

I made a mistake and used the wrong provisioning profile while running expo build:ios via this tutorial. There doesn't seem to be any handy documentation as to how to update it—just a lot of questions from people in my same boat.

Here is a screenshot of the related error.

I just need need to remove the old profile and add the new one. Is that a command for that?

Note: I am not using xCode—just Terminal.

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Holly E Avatar asked Oct 08 '18 15:10

Holly E

3 Answers

The current accepted answer works because it clears all the credentials expo generates.

Actually, if you just want to remove provisioning profile only, then you could do

expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile

Use case for this command is, for example when you built the app but got "Missing Push Notification Entitlement", what you'd want to regenerate is the provisioning profile only. (I found this option while I was investigating the cause of this error, at following forum: https://forums.expo.io/t/how-to-fix-missing-push-notification-entitlement/19615 )

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Yuki Inoue Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Yuki Inoue

I figured it out. The correct way to change the credentials is to run expo build:ios -c. There is no need to use fastlane and sigh. Running -c at the end removes the current credentials and allows you to enter new ones. Here is a screenshot of the outcome. I hope this helps someone in the future!

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Holly E Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Holly E

You should be able to do that using fastlane and sigh

Here the docs: https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/sigh/#resign

Good luck!

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Pablo Sierra Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Pablo Sierra