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Changing Project Type from "Executable" to "Static Library" in Eclipse CDT


Is there a way in the Eclipse CDT gui to change a project type after you have created it? I initially created a new C project in CDT as an executable on error. I would like to convert this project to a static library. Any thoughts?

like image 566
JonnyB Avatar asked Sep 16 '11 13:09


People also ask

How to add library in Eclipse c c++?

Generally you would use Project --> Properties --> C/C++Build --> Settings --> Tool Settings tab --> linker --> Libraries to set the library path (-L) and library files (-l).

1 Answers

You need to go to project properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build Artifact Tab. There you can change the artifact type to static or shared library.

like image 124
dbrank0 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
