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Changing project requirements - should client pay [closed]

Not sure where to put this but a site filled with working programmers is a good bet.

I built a website for a client, that included (on the home page) a fancy jQuery image slider with controls. This was specified in the original project scope. I also implemented a simple jQuery slider on one of the inner pages.

Now that the site is up for final review, the client reviewed the site and wants a few edits here and there, one being the removal of the fancy jQuery I spent hours working on and modifying and replaced with the simpler slider on the inner pages.

My question:

Should the client still pay for home jQuery slider I worked on and charged to implement the other jQuery slider on the home page?

I charge per feature/functionality when building a site. Therefore, if I just remove the slider, I'll lose money and time. I'm thinking they should pay for it since it was specified in the original scope...not my fault...

Second question, how should I present them with the charge, if I am charging them for it?

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Julian Avatar asked Aug 16 '10 22:08


2 Answers

Yep, charge them. They asked for it, you built it. If they don't want to use it (now), that's not your problem. What would you do if at the end of the project they said they weren't going to have a website after all? Same thing, just a different order of magnitude.

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NinjaCat Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10


He wanted it, you did the work, let him pay for it. Tell him you will charge for it because you built it and you will be more than happy to put it back whenever he feels like.

More work == more money.

Maybe you can broaden the scope of your invoice, instead of naming individual features you just mention 'work on homepage', 'design template x', 'building 5 derived pages from template x', that sort of thing.

Fight for your money, you did the work they wanted.

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Jeroen Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10
