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Changing names of parameterized tests

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What are parameterized tests?

Test parameterization is a type of data-driven testing that allows you to execute the same test, multiple times using different parameters. Xray Cloud has a parameterized tests feature, that executes the same test with different input values, multiple times, without ever having to clone or replicate it.

How do you write a parameterized test?

Writing Our First Parameterized TestsAdd a new test method to our test class and ensure that this method takes a String object as a method parameter. Configure the display name of the test method. Annotate the test method with the @ParameterizedTest annotation. This annotation identifies parameterized test methods.

What is true about parameterized test class?

Parameterized tests allow a developer to run the same test over and over again using different values. There are five steps that you need to follow to create a parameterized test. Annotate test class with @RunWith(Parameterized. class).

Does JUnit support parameterized tests where tests can be executed multiple times with different parameter values?

JUnit 5, the next generation of JUnit, facilitates writing developer tests with shiny new features. One such feature is parameterized tests. This feature enables us to execute a single test method multiple times with different parameters.

This feature has made it into JUnit 4.11.

To use change the name of parameterized tests, you say:


namestring is a string, which can have the following special placeholders:

  • {index} - the index of this set of arguments. The default namestring is {index}.
  • {0} - the first parameter value from this invocation of the test.
  • {1} - the second parameter value
  • and so on

The final name of the test will be the name of the test method, followed by the namestring in brackets, as shown below.

For example (adapted from the unit test for the Parameterized annotation):

static public class FibonacciTest {

    @Parameters( name = "{index}: fib({0})={1}" )
    public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 },
                { 3, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 } });

    private final int fInput;
    private final int fExpected;

    public FibonacciTest(int input, int expected) {
        fInput= input;
        fExpected= expected;

    public void testFib() {
        assertEquals(fExpected, fib(fInput));

    private int fib(int x) {
        // TODO: actually calculate Fibonacci numbers
        return 0;

will give names like testFib[1: fib(1)=1] and testFib[4: fib(4)=3]. (The testFib part of the name is the method name of the @Test).

Looking at JUnit 4.5, its runner clearly doesn't support that, as that logic is buried inside a private class inside the Parameterized class. You could not use the JUnit Parameterized runner, and create your own instead which would understand the concept of names (which leads to the question of how you might set a name ...).

From a JUnit perspective, it would be nice if instead of (or in addition to) just passing an increment, they would pass the comma delimited arguments. TestNG does this. If the feature is important to you, you can comment on the yahoo mailing list referenced at www.junit.org.

I recently came across the same problem when using JUnit 4.3.1. I implemented a new class which extends Parameterized called LabelledParameterized. It has been tested using JUnit 4.3.1, 4.4 and 4.5. It reconstructs the Description instance using the String representation of the first argument of each parameter array from the @Parameters method. You can see the code for this at:


and an example of its use at:


The test description formats nicely in Eclipse which is what I wanted since this makes failed tests a lot easier to find! I will probably further refine and document the classes over the next few days/weeks. Drop the '?' part of the URLs if you want the bleeding edge. :-)

To use it, all you have to do is copy that class (GPL v3), and change @RunWith(Parameterized.class) to @RunWith(LabelledParameterized.class) assuming the first element of your parameter list is a sensible label.

I don't know if any later releases of JUnit address this issue but even if they did, I can't update JUnit since all my co-developers would have to update too and we have higher priorities than re-tooling. Hence the work in the class to be compilable by multiple versions of JUnit.

Note: there is some reflection jiggery-pokery so that it runs across the different JUnit versions as listed above. The version specifically for JUnit 4.3.1 can be found here and, for JUnit 4.4 and 4.5, here.

With Parameterized as a model, I wrote my own custom test runner / suite -- only took about half an hour. It's slightly different from darrenp's LabelledParameterized in that it lets you specify a name explicitly rather than relying on the first parameter's toString().

It also doesn't use arrays because I hate arrays. :)

public class PolySuite extends Suite {

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Public helper interfaces

   * Annotation for a method which returns a {@link Configuration}
   * to be injected into the test class constructor
  public static @interface Config {

  public static interface Configuration {
    int size();
    Object getTestValue(int index);
    String getTestName(int index);

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Fields

  private final List<Runner> runners;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Constructor

   * Only called reflectively. Do not use programmatically.
   * @param c the test class
   * @throws Throwable if something bad happens
  public PolySuite(Class<?> c) throws Throwable {
    super(c, Collections.<Runner>emptyList());
    TestClass testClass = getTestClass();
    Class<?> jTestClass = testClass.getJavaClass();
    Configuration configuration = getConfiguration(testClass);
    List<Runner> runners = new ArrayList<Runner>();
    for (int i = 0, size = configuration.size(); i < size; i++) {
      SingleRunner runner = new SingleRunner(jTestClass, configuration.getTestValue(i), configuration.getTestName(i));
    this.runners = runners;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Overrides

  protected List<Runner> getChildren() {
    return runners;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Private

  private Configuration getConfiguration(TestClass testClass) throws Throwable {
    return (Configuration) getConfigMethod(testClass).invokeExplosively(null);

  private FrameworkMethod getConfigMethod(TestClass testClass) {
    List<FrameworkMethod> methods = testClass.getAnnotatedMethods(Config.class);
    if (methods.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("@" + Config.class.getSimpleName() + " method not found");
    if (methods.size() > 1) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Too many @" + Config.class.getSimpleName() + " methods");
    FrameworkMethod method = methods.get(0);
    int modifiers = method.getMethod().getModifiers();
    if (!(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("@" + Config.class.getSimpleName() + " method \"" + method.getName() + "\" must be public static");
    return method;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Helper classes

  private static class SingleRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {

    private final Object testVal;
    private final String testName;

    SingleRunner(Class<?> testClass, Object testVal, String testName) throws InitializationError {
      this.testVal = testVal;
      this.testName = testName;

    protected Object createTest() throws Exception {
      return getTestClass().getOnlyConstructor().newInstance(testVal);

    protected String getName() {
      return testName;

    protected String testName(FrameworkMethod method) {
      return testName + ": " + method.getName();

    protected void validateConstructor(List<Throwable> errors) {

    protected Statement classBlock(RunNotifier notifier) {
      return childrenInvoker(notifier);

And an example:

public class PolySuiteExample {

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Fixture

  public static Configuration getConfig() {
    return new Configuration() {
      public int size() {
        return 10;

      public Integer getTestValue(int index) {
        return index * 2;

      public String getTestName(int index) {
        return "test" + index;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Fields

  private final int testVal;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Constructor

  public PolySuiteExample(int testVal) {
    this.testVal = testVal;

  // //////////////////////////////
  // Test

  public void odd() {
    assertFalse(testVal % 2 == 0);

  public void even() {
    assertTrue(testVal % 2 == 0);
