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Changing linked table location programmatically

I have an Access database with a linked table in a second database, located in the same directory as the first.

I would like to copy the whole directory to a new location (for testing) and have database one still link to the table in database two, but the linkage is still to the original directory, not the new location.

I'd like to do one of two things: either

  1. Make the link to the table in database two in such a way that the folder path is relative - that the path to database two isn't hardcoded.


  2. Have a routine in Form_Load (or an autoexec macro) that checks the application.path and programmatically adjusts the linkage accordingly.

like image 720
Steve H Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 23:02

Steve H

1 Answers


I used it succesfull, however did not use it with the recordset.

Const LnkDataBase = "C:\NorthWind.mdb"
Sub relinktables()
'Routine to relink the tables automatically. Change the constant LnkDataBase to the desired one and run the sub
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim strTable As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
    If Len(tdf.Connect) > 1 Then 'Only relink linked tables
        If tdf.Connect <> ";DATABASE=" & LnkDataBase Then 'only relink tables if the are not linked right
            If Left(tdf.Connect, 4) <> "ODBC" Then 'Don't want to relink any ODBC tables
                strTable = tdf.Name
                dbs.TableDefs(strTable).Connect = ";DATABASE=" & LnkDataBase
            End If
        End if
    End If
Next tdf
End Sub
like image 183
Arnoud Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
