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Changing keyboard type for html textarea on iPad

I'm writing a web application for iPad. I know it's possible to change the type of keyboard displayed when an html input field is selected using:

Text: <input type="text" />
Telephone: <input type="tel" /> 
URL: <input type="url" /> 
Email: <input type="email" /> 
Zip Code: <input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />

the problem is that I have to use textarea instead of input. Is it possible to obtain the same result?

If not : is there any way to change the keyboard label for the ENTER key. At the moment the default label is "Return" and I would like to have "Send" (since it's a chat app).

thanks a lot!

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Claus Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 12:09


2 Answers

If it is plain html/css/javascript. This is not possible

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Benjamin Udink ten Cate Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10

Benjamin Udink ten Cate

if you use <input title="Search"> the "enter" key is replaced by a "search" button, I haven't been able to find a listing of all the different combinations, but I'm sure there is one to you liking.
Note: The input must be inside a form element for this to work.

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AskeG Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 13:10
