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Changing color scheme of console output in mRemoteNG


I use mRemoteNG to handle all my remote connections to servers. The only negative point I have run into is that the colorscheme of console output is not good. Directories are listed in dark blue and on a black background this is barely readable.

How can I change the colorscheme to something else?

like image 918
Aster Avatar asked Jul 22 '14 06:07


People also ask

Does Mremote use putty?

You need to have putty installed on your machine. in mRemoteNG > Tools > Options > Advanced > Use custom putty path (Browse for putty.exe).

What is mRemoteNG used for?

What is mRemoteNG? mRemoteNG or multi-Remote Next Generation connection manager is a tool that helps you manage multiple diverse connections with remote systems. It can handle different types of connections, including Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Secure Shell (SSH), and others.

1 Answers

For a specific session:

Right click on the console, this should display the putty settings, you will be able to change color scheme in Windows --> Colours

To change default:

  • In mRemoteNG Tools --> Advanced --> Launch Putty
  • Change color settings as described above
  • Click Session
  • Select "Default Settings"
  • Click Save
  • Click Close
like image 123
user3143184 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
