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Changes required to migrate from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK

We are planning to migrate our project from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK. I have some questions regarding the same.

  • After doing some analysis I found that OpenJDK will have a feature release every 6 months which is only supported until the next feature release.It's essentially a continuous stream of releases targeted to developers. Now my question is will it be a good idea to migrate to OpenJDK. Because if the above statement is correct then we need to upgrade OpenJDK in our application every 6 months

    Ref : Differences between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK

  • What are the basic changes required to do this migration. When I say basic changes, I mean I need to understand in very high level.One thing I know that is Oracle JDK and Open JDK are having different jar licences. So do I need to replace all Oracle JDK jars with OpenJDK jars as its mentioned in Migrating to OpenJDK from Oracle JDK ?

Currently we are using :

  • JDK 1.8
  • Tomcat 8
  • Windows Operating System for development. Services gets deployed in linux OS
  • Maven Build tool

Appreciate your help.


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Rahman Avatar asked Jul 06 '18 09:07


1 Answers

Now my question is will it be a good idea to migrate to OpenJDK

For Java 11 you might want to, though by Java 11 they will be almost identical.

So do I need to replace all Oracle JDK jars with OpenJDK jars

I would install a version of OpenJDK and use the JARs which came with it. I wouldn't mix and match them.

JDK 1.8

I am not sure gain anything by migrating Java 8. Oracle Java 8 is still supported at least until Jan 2019. After that, you might not get any update, but you might not with OpenJDK either.

If your concern is getting support for Java 8, I suggest contacting a company which will give commercial support Java 8 such as Azul for what seemed like a reasonable price. https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu/zulu-windows/

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Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 03:11

Peter Lawrey