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Change video resolution ffmpeg

I have videos with different resolution. I want that all of them will be in resolution of 480x320. I tried the command:

ffmpeg -i %s_ann.mp4 -vf scale=480x320,setsar=1:1 %s_annShrink.mp4' %(dstfile,dstfile) 

but the output of the videos are files with the size of 0 kb.

What I'm doing wrong?

like image 706
liorko Avatar asked Dec 21 '15 08:12


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1 Answers

I guess that really there are two questions here...

  1. How do I batch convert files?
  2. How do I auto scale a video?

How do I batch convert files?

These scripts ought to do the trick...


for %%i in (*.mp4) do (     ffmpeg -y -i "%%i" << TODO >> "%%~ni_shrink.mp4" ) 


for i in *.mp4;  do     ffmpeg -y -i "$i" << TODO >> "${i%.mp4}_shrink.mp4"; done 

(I'm not too sure about the output file expansion in the Linux script, worth validating that.)

How do I auto scale a video?

This is a little trickier. As you have your command, the aspect ratio is potentially going to get messed up. Options here...

  1. Scale the video, ignore aspect ratio. Result = distorted video
  2. Scale the video, keep aspect ratio so that the scaled height (or width) is adjusted to fit. Result = optimal
  3. Scale the video, keep aspect ratio and pad with black bars so that the video size is exactly 480x320. Result = wasted/increased file size
  4. Crop the input before scaling so that it "fills" the 480x320 resolution. Result = incomplete video

Option 2 would be the preferred solution, otherwise you are (probably unnecessarily) increasing the output file size. Option 3, I'll give a partially tested solution. Option 4 I'm not even going to touch.

Option 2: Scale the video, keep aspect ratio so that height is adjusted to fit

ffmpeg -y -i "%%i" -vf scale=480:-2,setsar=1:1 -c:v libx264 -c:a copy "%%~ni_shrink.mp4" 

Option 3: Scale the video, keep aspect ratio and pad with black bars so that the video size is exactly 480x320

ffmpeg -y -i "%%i" -vf "[in]scale=iw*min(480/iw\,320/ih):ih*min(480/iw\,320/ih)[scaled]; [scaled]pad=480:320:(480-iw*min(480/iw\,320/ih))/2:(320-ih*min(480/iw\,320/ih))/2[padded]; [padded]setsar=1:1[out]" -c:v libx264 -c:a copy "%%~ni_shrink.mp4" 
like image 122
Liam Dempsey Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Liam Dempsey