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Change the name of parent :parent_id parameter in Routing resources for Rails4

I can change the name of the :id parameter in routing with in this way but this can change the nested resource's parameter like if I have

resources :companies, param: :company_id do
  resources :shares, only[:index]

this will generate route like


which is wrong I want route like this


What I need to do?

like image 362
Asnad Atta Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 06:06

Asnad Atta

2 Answers

I've experienced this before and got the below to fix this... it's ugly though, but I haven't found a better way.


resources :companies, param: :company_id do
  resources :shares, only: [:index]

To: (notice the blank only: [])

resources :companies, param: :company_id
resources :companies, only: [], param: :id do
  resources :shares, only: [:index]

Now when you run rake routes you'll see the correct:


in addition to all the other companies endpoints:


All keeping the same :company_id param name.

like image 93
skplunkerin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


A more clean way is to use the member

resources :companies, param: :company_id do
  member do
    resources :shares, only[:index]
like image 3
Jarl Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
