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Change the Location of Screen Shots Saved by the iOS Simulator

I'd like to change the location that screenshots created via File > Save Screen Shot in the iOS Simulator are saved from the desktop to a folder of my choice. How can this be done? Perhaps there's a user defaults value I could change, much like the one specifying the location of standard screenshots on OS X?

like image 987
George WS Avatar asked May 14 '14 17:05

George WS

People also ask

Where do iOS simulator screenshots go?

If you take a screenshot from within your app running on the simulator, and then save it to photos app on that simulator, then it is stored in some library folder of that specific Simulator.

Where are Msfs screenshots saved?

location: C:\Users[username]\Pictures\Screenshots.

How do I change the location of my screenshots on Mac Big Sur?

1) Click on the Screenshot app in the Dock, or open it from the Applications folder. 2) On the floating menu bar, click Options. 3) In the menu that opens, under Save to options, select the folder where you want to save the screenshot. It will now default to this folder until you change it back, if ever.

1 Answers

In Xcode 12 we now always set the default location to wherever you last saved a screenshot, so to change the default location press ⌥ + ⌘ + S then select the location.

Also new to Xcode 12 you can right-click on the screenshot preview window that appears and you should see Desktop, Documents, and your custom location (if you've set one that isn't the Desktop). So even if the default is somewhere else you can always send the screenshot to the Desktop. You can also drag this window and drop it in an app or the Finder.

In Xcode 9 you can hold down Option while saving a screenshot and we will prompt you for the location. Check the "Use this as the default location" box to make the selected directory the default for all screenshots.

Screenshot Save Panel

like image 143
russbishop Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10
