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Change TextInputLayout accent color programmatically




I've got a simple TextInputLayout containing an EditText View.

Now I wonder how to change the accent color (underline, hintTextColor when highlighted) programmatically. I can't seem to find a suitable method inside TextInputLayout.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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user2410644 Avatar asked Sep 07 '15 14:09


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1 Answers

IMHO InputTextLayout can not change label color programmatically, because it is set by style. I examined source code of InputTextLayout and wrote this hack helper method which create access to private color member:

public static void setInputTextLayoutColor(EditText editText, @ColorInt int color) {
    TextInputLayout til = (TextInputLayout) editText.getParent();
    try {
        Field fDefaultTextColor = TextInputLayout.class.getDeclaredField("mDefaultTextColor");
        fDefaultTextColor.set(til, new ColorStateList(new int[][]{{0}}, new int[]{ color }));

        Field fFocusedTextColor = TextInputLayout.class.getDeclaredField("mFocusedTextColor");
        fFocusedTextColor.set(til, new ColorStateList(new int[][]{{0}}, new int[]{ color }));
    } catch (Exception e) {

mFocusedTextColor is used for set internal CollapsingTextHelper.mCollapsedTextColor which sets color of label.

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Petr Daňa Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Petr Daňa