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Change table to tall format using panda (UNPIVOT)

I have a table like this

   user         company company2 company3 company4
    1           Mac     Lenovo    Hp      null              
    2           Mac       MSI     Sony                          

And using pandas I would like it to be

     user    company
     1          Mac
     1          Lenovo
     1          Hp
     2         Mac

and so on Here I tried it but didnt work with pandas pivot.

dataframe = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
dataframe.fillna(value='', inplace=True)
#dataframe.pivot(index='user', columns='company')

Above code doesnt work and gives error.

like image 486
Aurora Avatar asked Apr 14 '17 19:04


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Now to melt or unpivot this data you can use the pandas pd.melt () function. id_vars – All the columns passed to id_vars will remain as it is. Value_vars – All the columns passed to value_vars gets melt down (unpivot). By default it will unpivot all the columns that is not specified in the id_vars column.

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How do you UNPIVOT a Dataframe in Python?

Key Terms: unpivot, melt, python, pandas In pandas, we can "unpivot" a DataFrame - turn it from a wide format - many columns - to a long format - few columns but many rows. We can accomplish this with the pandas melt () method. This can be helpful for further analysis of our new unpivoted DataFrame.

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We can use pandas melt function to convert this wide data frame to a data frame in long form. In this example, we would like to keep both continent and country as columns, so we specify that using ‘id_vars’ argument.

1 Answers

you can use pd.melt method:

In [211]: pd.melt(df, id_vars='user', value_vars=df.columns.drop('user').tolist())
   user  variable   value
0     1   company     Mac
1     2   company     Mac
2     1  company2  Lenovo
3     2  company2     MSI
4     1  company3      Hp
5     2  company3    Sony
6     1  company4    null
7     2  company4     NaN


In [213]: pd.melt(df,
                  id_vars='user', value_vars=df.columns.drop('user').tolist(),
                  value_name='Company') \
   user Company
0     1     Mac
1     2     Mac
2     1  Lenovo
3     2     MSI
4     1      Hp
5     2    Sony
6     1    null
7     2     NaN

UPDATE: dropping NaN's and sorting resulting DF by user:

In [218]: pd.melt(df,
     ...:         id_vars='user', value_vars=df.columns.drop('user').tolist(),
     ...:         value_name='Company') \
     ...:   .drop('variable',1) \
     ...:   .dropna() \
     ...:   .sort_values('user')
   user Company
0     1     Mac
2     1  Lenovo
4     1      Hp
6     1    null
1     2     Mac
3     2     MSI
5     2    Sony

PS if you want to get rid of null values - use df.replace('null', np.nan) instead of df:

In [219]: pd.melt(df.replace('null', np.nan),
     ...:         id_vars='user', value_vars=df.columns.drop('user').tolist(),
     ...:         value_name='Company') \
     ...:   .drop('variable',1) \
     ...:   .dropna() \
     ...:   .sort_values('user')
   user Company
0     1     Mac
2     1  Lenovo
4     1      Hp
1     2     Mac
3     2     MSI
5     2    Sony
like image 83
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

MaxU - stop WAR against UA