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Change string in SQL Server to abbreviate

How do I return the everything in a string from a sql query before a certain character?

My data looks like this:

HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd

I want to limit or truncate the string to include everything before the dash.

So the final result would be "HD TV HM45VM"

like image 742
jeff Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 09:02


2 Answers

Use SUBSTRING, but you'll have to use either CHARINDEX or PATINDEX to get the location of the character you want the substring to stop at:

SELECT SUBSTRING('HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd', 
                  CHARINDEX('-', 'HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd'))

To do the opposite - strip everything to the left of the hyphen - use:

SELECT SUBSTRING('HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd', 
                  CHARINDEX('-', 'HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd') + 1,
                  LEN('HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd'))

Effectively, make the location of the hyphen to be the starting point. Then you can use either LEN or DATALENGTH functions.

like image 120
OMG Ponies Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 00:03

OMG Ponies

Dont forget that LEFT exists

select LEFT('HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd',CHARINDEX('-', 'HD TV HM45VM - HDTV widescreen television set with 45" lcd ')-1)
like image 38
Adriaan Stander Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 22:03

Adriaan Stander