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Change Program Flow based on Available Libraries

I am developing a Python model that will support graphing if the correct modules are installed. I would like the source code to be the same if possible, IE, if the graphing model can't load, graphing would be ignored from the menu logic.

How can I accomplish this?

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Nathan Tornquist Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 15:02

Nathan Tornquist

2 Answers

Attempt an import and set a flag if fails. Then use the flag to determine whether to offer graphic output:

    import Tkinter
    gui_installed = True
except ImportError:
    gui_installed = False


result = somecalc()
if gui_installed:
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Raymond Hettinger Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 00:03

Raymond Hettinger

Yes. You can wrap an import statement in a try-except block. It is commonly used for backwards-compatability cruft. For instance, by importing a fall-back module as the desired module. That way the rest of the code can be oblivious to which module is actually in use.

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retracile Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 00:03
