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Change powershell script to output without ellipses (...)

I need some help with the output of the following script so the output doesn't show with the ellipses (...). I tried to insert | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize but I just can't seem to get it right.

 clear-host Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      $services = new-object system.collections.sortedlist  $servers = (get-spfarm).servers    foreach ($server in $servers) {      foreach($service in $server.serviceinstances)      {          if ($service.status = "Online")          {              $s = $service.typename              if ($services.contains($s))              {                  $serverlist = $services[$s]                  $servername = $server.name                   $services[$s]  = "$serverlist - $servername"              }              else              {                  $services[$s] = $server.name              }          }      } }    $services 


Name                            Value                                                                            ----                           -----                                                                            Access Database Service        SE5APP - SE5FE - SE7FE - FAQ3                                           Application Discovery **and L...** SE5APP - SE5FE - SE7FE - FAQ3                                           Application Registry Service   SE5APP - SE5FE - SE7FE - FAQ3                                           
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MicroSumol Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 00:12


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1 Answers

Either Format-List (fl) or Format-Table -auto (ft -auto) should help here.

$services | fl 


$services | ft -auto 
like image 56
Davemundo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
