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change Pandas dataframe column order in place




Is it possible to change the order of columns in a dataframe in place?

If yes, would that be faster than making a copy? I am working with a large dataframe with 100 million+ rows.

I see how to change the order with a copy: How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

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Ivan Avatar asked Sep 16 '14 20:09


2 Answers

Here is a short and even more memory efficient way (because no additional temporary variable needs to be saved):

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [0, 1], "B": [2, 3], "C": [4, 5]})

new_order = ["B", "C", "A"]
for column in new_order:
    df[column] = df.pop(column)

This works, because the new columns are assigned to the DataFrame in the new order and the old columns are deleted one by one. Pop returns a column and deletes it from the DataFrame.

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JulianWgs Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09


Hmm... no one proposed drop and insert:

df = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c']],columns=list('ABC'))

print('Before', id(df))

for i,col in enumerate(['C','B', 'A']):
    tmp = df[col]
print('After ', id(df))

The result will preserve the original dataframe

Before 140441780394360
After  140441780394360

   C    B   A
0  c    b   a
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belz Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09
