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Change orientation of ios keyboard?


Im using phonegap.build and i need to do the following on my game app:

The game is forced to landscaped mode at all time, and it has no canvas version of it, this is ios and android only game, and i use it with phonegap.

With the facebook-connect plugin:


I have a dialog, which i open with facebook-connect api:

facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog(Object options, Function success, Function failure)

in the options i have:

    method: "apprequests",
    message: "Come on man, check out my application."

which results in this:

enter image description here

I have a problem with that window, it opens in portrait mode, and i have an landscape only app ( it means the user, when prompt to this screen, should change the orientation, which is a bad behaviour )

I searched for hours for a solution for this and no luck.

Now, if i'm letting it stay like this, and i press on the 'search more friends' input, the keyboard opens on landscape mode, which results in this awkward behavior:

enter image description here

My question are those:

1) Is there any way to fix the popup of facebook to be landscape?

2) If no to 1, is it possible to control the keyboard as to how it opens (landscape or portrait), with any configuration in the config.xml (this is phonegap build) or any plugin that do such a thing

3) If no to all, what are my options to invite friends to my app (invitable is not an option, this is no canvas app)

Thank you