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Change order of constraint listings in Interface Builder's document outline

Is it possible to change the order of the various top level constraints that show up in the document outline? The top level constraints are where all the various constraints between my many label elements are and I'd like to organize them into logical groupings to streamline my work flow. Currently, they are listed in the same order that I added them, however this is not ideal. While you can drag and reorder individual elements around in the document outline it does not appear that you can reorder constraints. Is there a work around or simply something I am missing?

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Alex Bollbach Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 00:03

Alex Bollbach

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2 Answers

This cannot be done graphically in Interface Builder (tested in XCode 7.3). Also, if you right-click the .storyboard/.xib file and select "Open As -> Source Code", the constraints for your view can be reordered by changing the order of the respective XML elements, but once you switch back to Interface Builder, their order will be reverted.

like image 103
stakri Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


The order should be drag&drop replaceable, perhaps in future versions of Xcode. I still do not see it implemented on Xcode 9.

like image 40
TamerK Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
