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Change multiple elements colour based on background colour




I have a fixed menu which consists of multiple elements. I am trying to find a way to have all these elements change colour depending on the background colour.

The elements are a


both of these elements have a white border (no fill)

The links of the main navigation .main-navigation and their borders are white

The logo which is white. I also have a black version.

My site is made up of 3 section colours, black, white and yellow.

I would like the items to switch to black when the background sections are either yellow or white.

The website is very much a work in progress but you can see it here: https://www.sheree-new.shereewalker.com

I have tried this for the logo


but could not get it to work. I tried mix-blend mode for the elements but it makes the lines blue when on the yellow. I tried to do mix-blend-mode and THEN use the desaturate or greyscale filter but with no luck.

This is perhaps too much to tackle in one question but I thought perhaps there was a plugin that handled this in Wordpress?

Essentially what I need is this for all elements https://codepen.io/whatthephuc/pen/QQagBj

The header which contains the left and right nav elements:

<div class="logo-scroll">
        <div class="scroll-text">
            <a href="/home"><img width="53px" height="260px" src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/sheree-walker-web-design-edinburgh-vertical-01.svg"/></a>

    <header id="masthead" class="site-header">
        <nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation">
            <button class="menu-toggle" aria-controls="primary-menu" aria-expanded="false"><?php esc_html_e( 'Primary Menu', 'sheree_walker' ); ?></button>
            wp_nav_menu( array(
                'theme_location' => 'menu-1',
                'menu_id'        => 'primary-menu',
            ) );
        </nav><!-- #site-navigation -->
    </header><!-- #masthead -->


header#masthead {
    height: calc(100vh - 60px);
    width: 75px;
    position: fixed;
    float: right;
    right: 30px;

#site-navigation {
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    transform-origin: top left;
    position: relative;
    right: -75px;
    width: calc(100vh - 60px);

.main-navigation li {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;
    width: 33.33%;
    padding: 23px 20px 21px 20px;
    font-size: 23px;
    font-family: 'NeurialGrotesk';

.main-navigation li {
    border-bottom: 2px solid white;

.main-navigation li:nth-child(n+1) {
    border-right: 2px solid white;

.main-navigation a {
    color: white;
    letter-spacing: .5px;

#page::before {
    content: "";
    position: fixed;
    top: 30px;
    bottom: 30px;
    left: 30px;
    right: 30px;
    border: 2px solid white;
    pointer-events: none;

.logo-scroll {
    position: fixed;
    left: 30px;
    top: 30px;
    bottom: 30px;
    border: 2px solid white;
    width: 75px;

.scroll-text {
    position: fixed;

All the sections have classes of either yellow or white - the default background is black.

Any help or advice on a suitable plugin would be great.

**Edit - something like this would be perfect if it applied to background colours


I have also just tried this which sort of works but also generates a background colour at random


function contrast() {

    var R, G, B, C, L;

    $( "main-navigation a" ).each(function() {

        R = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
        G = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
        B = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));

        $( this ).css( 'background-color', 'rgb(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ')' );

        C = [ R/255, G/255, B/255 ];

        for ( var i = 0; i < C.length; ++i ) {

            if ( C[i] <= 0.03928 ) {

                C[i] = C[i] / 12.92

            } else {

                C[i] = Math.pow( ( C[i] + 0.055 ) / 1.055, 2.4);



        L = 0.2126 * C[0] + 0.7152 * C[1] + 0.0722 * C[2];

        if ( L > 0.179 ) {

            $( this ).css( 'color', 'black' );

        } else {

            $( this ).css( 'color', 'white' );



like image 814
Mr Toad Avatar asked Jul 26 '19 10:07

Mr Toad

People also ask

Can you set the background color for HTML elements?

To set the background color in HTML, use the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML <body> tag, with the CSS property background-color. HTML5 do not support the <body> tag bgcolor attribute, so the CSS style is used to add background color.

1 Answers

Here's a very basic way to control text color with javascript.

You can control exactly where you want the color changes based on the scroll height.

var p = document.querySelector('p');
var d = document.querySelectorAll('div');
var colors = ['white', 'red', 'black'];
var offset = 0.025;
var scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight-innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
  var scroll = scrollY/scrollHeight;
  p.style.color = colors[0];
  var h = 0;
  for (var i=1; i<d.length; i++) {
    h += d[i-1].offsetHeight;
    if (scroll > (h/scrollHeight)-offset) p.style.color = colors[i];
body {
  margin: 0;
div {
.black {
  background: black;
  height: 150vh;
.yellow {
  background: yellow;
  height: 100vh;
.white {
  background: white;
  height: 200vh;
p {
  color: white;
  position: fixed;
<p>I'll change color on scroll</p>
<div class="black"></div>
<div class="yellow"></div>
<div class="white"></div>
like image 177
rafaelcastrocouto Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
