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Change LinearLayout height to 0 programmatically

I am resizign LinearLayout from it's original height to 0 with:

ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = getLayoutParams();
params.height = newHeight;

Everything works except newHeight = 0 - layout's height changes back to its original height. How can I avoid it ?

Setting visibility to GONE if newHeight == 0 does not help.

like image 919
hsz Avatar asked Sep 03 '12 09:09


People also ask

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This can also be done with a linear layout. Just provide Height = 0dp and weight = 1 in the layout above, and the one you want at the bottom is just write height = line feed content, not weight.

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This constant was deprecated in API level 28.

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1 Answers

Try this.....

 LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.yourLayoutId);

 LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) layout.getLayoutParams();
 lp.height = 0;
like image 62
Mehul Santoki Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Mehul Santoki