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Change input placeholder color darker


Follow this article (Style text input placeholder), i can change the color of the text input placeholder to red color. But it is always a light-red color, not red exactly.

Is there any way to make it a red color exactly?


The color on Chrome is red (this is correct), the color on Firefox is not red, it is light-red or blurred, i guessed that.


EDIT (from the OP answer):

Please check this example (http://jsfiddle.net/LQkQG/), the color is red on Chrome, but light-red on Firefox. I want the color on Firefox same with the Chrome.

like image 825
Phuc Pham Avatar asked Mar 19 '13 10:03

Phuc Pham

1 Answers

I've found you need to override opacity.

::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */     color:    red;      opacity: 1 !important; } 
like image 93
Doug Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
