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Change index order in array

Been kind of stuck on this one for a while now, so any help would be appreciated. I have one array (left) that contains a list of elements, the goal is to sort another arrays (right) keys with the values from the left array.

The left array

    [0] => ID
    [1] => FirstName
    [2] => LastName
    [3] => Address

The right array

    [0] => Array
        [FirstName] => Pim
        [Address] => Finland
        [LastName] => Svensson
        [ID] => 3
    [1] => Array
        [FirstName] => Emil
        [Address] => Sweden
        [LastName] => Malm
        [ID] => 5

What I'm trying to accomplish would be similar to this

    [0] => Array
        [ID] => 3
        [FirstName] => Pim
        [LastName] => Svensson
        [Address] => Finland

Anyone? :) Oh, I'm running php 5.3, if it helps!

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Eric Herlitz Avatar asked Apr 24 '10 09:04

Eric Herlitz

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1 Answers

$output = array();
foreach ( $right as $array ) {
    foreach ( $left as $field ) {
        $temp[$field] = $array[$field];
    $output[] = $temp;
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Matteo Riva Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Matteo Riva