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Change 'fixes' background color in eclipse




I've been trying to change the background color for the 'quick-fixes' pop-up (the pop up that lists ways to fix an error) in eclipse juno. Currently the color is black and the text is blue which makes it very hard to read.

I cant find the correct way to change the color. Please help. Its really annoying to squint and have to read blue text on a black background.

like image 715
Vizzle Avatar asked Dec 30 '12 06:12


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2 Answers

This was driving me nuts as well, here is the fix.

  • Go to preferences.

  • Search for "Annotations"

    for each Annotation Type:
       if "Text as" == "Highlighted" and Color == black:
           Set the color to light or uncheck "Text As"

In this screen shot, I am fixing Occurrences.

The problem I show to the left is the "Matching Tags" annotation which had the same problem.

Screen Shot showing Preference Repair

like image 65
t1m0 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


You can change the color of the text in the pop-up.

In windows you can go Control Panel, search for colors and metrics and then select Change window colors and metrics. In the item menu select Hyperlinks and change the Color.

EDIT: This fix is valid for Windows 7. Windows 10 does not have the option to change Hyperlinks color.

like image 1
Vpant Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10
