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Change error message for ASP.NET custom validator using javascript (client-side validation)?




How to change the error message for ASP.NET custom validator using javascript (client-side validation)?

I know that we can easily change it using server side function i.e

customvalidtor1..ErrorMessage = "Error"

This will change error message for CustomValidator. How can we do same using client-side function? I have tried hard but did not find any answer.....

like image 995
Kashif Hanif Avatar asked Nov 20 '12 07:11

Kashif Hanif

1 Answers

i have tried and it works fine for me.here is a simple solution for this problem

$(source).text("* Not a NA Phone #");
like image 165
Kashif Hanif Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Kashif Hanif