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Change environment variable value between tasks in Build vNext

Is there a way to persist changes in environment value between tasks in Visual Studio Team Services? I'm using Powershell to change it but it only changes it in the task not the whole process.

script 1

Write-Verbose "Before: $Env:SuperVersion"
$Env:SuperVersion = $NewVersion
Write-Verbose "After: $Env:SuperVersion"

script 2

Write-Verbose "Final: $Env:SuperVersion"

I see the change at After but Final is always getting the original value

like image 289
cilerler Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 22:10


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1 Answers

Based on this issue following line will do the trick.

Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=SuperVersion;]$NewVersion")

You may find more commands like that in here

like image 162
cilerler Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
