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change color of rows in grid in ExtJs

How to get the Backgroud or text colour of first five rows to be different from the next five rows. For example, First 5 Yellow,5 Orange,5 Yellow,5 Orange,and so on..

I added following listener for the grid

listeners: {
    viewready: function(g) {

I've used this to get the contents in second line in red.But it's not working for me.

like image 445
sainath Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 10:03


1 Answers

You can use a custom GridView getRowClass method:

var mygrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
   viewConfig: {
      getRowClass: function(record, index, rowParams)
         return (Math.floor(index / 5.0) % 2 == 0) ? 'rowClass1' : 'rowClass2';

Then define in your page or in your css the custom row style classes.

like image 147
Damiano Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11
