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Change Accepted MIME Type on Azure without Web.Config

I want to show an .mp4 as a background video on a website I created and deployed to Azure via FTP. Unfortunately, accessing the background video always gives me a 404. The pages are all .html files using AngularJS.

I figure that I need to add a custom mime type for .mp4s. Normally this would be done in the Web.Config, but since it was just something I whipped up in Notepad++ I don't have (and besides this issue, haven't really had need for) a Web.Config.

I was looking at the Configuration section in the Azure Portal for the site and can see where I can add connection strings and appSettings, but I don't see anything where I can do MIME types.

Is allowing .mp4s on Azure possible through the portal, or is my only option to make a Web.Config and FTP that up too?

like image 808
chriszumberge Avatar asked Mar 14 '15 13:03


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1 Answers

The only way to do this is via the Web.config file. This link below will help you configure the settings in web.config:

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like image 76
cory-fowler Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
