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Chaining scala Try instances that contain Options

I am trying to find a cleaner way to express code that looks similar to this:

def method1: Try[Option[String]] = ???
def method2: Try[Option[String]] = ???
def method3: Try[Option[String]] = ???

method1 match
  case f: Failure[Option[String]] => f
  case Success(None) =>
  method2 match
      case f:Failure[Option[String]] => f
      case Success(None) =>
      case s: Success[Option[String]] => s
  case s: Success[Option[String]] => s

As you can see, this tries each method in sequence and if one fails then execution stops and the base match resolves to that failure. If method1 or method2 succeeds but contains None then the next method in the sequence is tried. If execution gets to method3 its results are always returned regardless of Success or Failure. This works fine in code but I find it difficult to follow whats happening.

I would love to use a for comprehension

  attempt1 <- method1
  attempt2 <- method2
  attempt3 <- method3
  List(attempt1, attempt2, attempt3).find(_.isDefined)

because its beautiful and what its doing is quite clear. However, if all methods succeed then they are all executed every time, regardless of whether an earlier method returns a usable answer. Unfortunately I can't have that.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Spencer Stejskal Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 23:12

Spencer Stejskal

2 Answers

scalaz can be of help here. You'll need scalaz-contrib which adds a monad instance for Try, then you can use OptionT which has nice combinators. Here is an example:

import scalaz.OptionT
import scalaz.contrib.std.utilTry._
import scala.util.Try

def method1: OptionT[Try, String] = OptionT(Try(Some("method1")))
def method2: OptionT[Try, String] = OptionT(Try(Some("method2")))
def method3: OptionT[Try, String] = { println("method 3 is never called") ; OptionT(Try(Some("method3"))) }
def method4: OptionT[Try, String] = OptionT(Try(None))
def method5: OptionT[Try, String] = OptionT(Try(throw new Exception("fail")))

println((method1 orElse method2 orElse method3).run) // Success(Some(method1))
println((method4 orElse method2 orElse method3).run) // Success(Some(method2))
println((method5 orElse method2 orElse method3).run) // Failure(java.lang.Exception: fail)
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stew Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09


If you don't mind creating a function for each method, you can do the following:

(Try(None: Option[String]) /: Seq(method1 _, method2 _, method3 _)){ (l,r) =>
  l match { case Success(None) => r(); case _ => l }

This is not at all idiomatic, but I would like to point out that there's a reasonably short imperative version also with a couple tiny methods:

def okay(tos: Try[Option[String]]) = tos.isFailure || tos.success.isDefined

val ans = {
  var m = method1
  if (okay(m)) m
  else if ({m = method2; okay(m)}) m
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Rex Kerr Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Rex Kerr