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Certificate subject X.509

According to the X.509, a certificate has an attribute subject.

 C=US, ST=Maryland, L=Pasadena, O=Brent Baccala, OU=FreeSoft, CN=www.freesoft.org/emailAddress=baccala@freesoft.org 

This is the typical subject value. The question is what are the types(or tags) of those attributes(C, ST, L, O, OU, CN) and what is their format?

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Sergey Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 06:06


People also ask

What is the x 509 certificate?

An X. 509 certificate is a digital certificate that uses the widely accepted international X. 509 public key infrastructure (PKI) standard to verify that a public key belongs to the user, computer or service identity contained within the certificate.

What is x509 subject name?

An X. 509 certificate consists of a number of fields. The Subject field is the one of most relevance to this tutorial. It gives the DName of the client to which the certificate belongs. A DName is a unique name given to an X.

How do I get x 509 certificates?

Open cmd prompt, change directory to desktop & type command- openssl. It is a process of creating a simple x509 certificate that will be used for digital signatures. Press enter and fill in all the required information like the password for creating keys & a few personal information.

1 Answers

IETF PKIX (latest version RFC 5280) is a well accepted profile for certificates. From section, the following fields must be supported (I've added between parenthesis is the OpenSSL long and optional short name):

  • country (countryName, C),
  • organization (organizationName, O),
  • organizational unit (organizationalUnitName, OU),
  • distinguished name qualifier (dnQualifier),
  • state or province name (stateOrProvinceName, ST),
  • common name (commonName, CN) and
  • serial number (serialNumber).

There's also a list of element that should be supported:

  • locality (locality, L),
  • title (title),
  • surname (surName, SN),
  • given name (givenName, GN),
  • initials (initials),
  • pseudonym (pseudonym) and
  • generation qualifier (generationQualifier).

Values should be encoded in UTF8String or PrintableString (some of them only in PrintableString, and some exceptions in IA5String). The standard also has a maximum length for all field types (Appendix A.1)

For reasons of compatibility, implementations must also support domain components (domainComponent, DC) encoded in IA5String. Attention is drawn to email (emailAddress) and its encoding (IA5String, but it's considered deprecated in DNs (it should be in Subject Alternative Name extension).

like image 145
Mathias Brossard Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Mathias Brossard