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Center wrapped items in a space-between flexbox

For a navigation section, I want it to use space-between justification. For smaller displays where the navigation might have to wrap, I'd like the items to center themselves, as opposed to sticking to the left when alone on a row.

nav {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  justify-content: space-between;
  <div class='item'>
    Item 1 is alone on its row if the window is small, but is not centered.
  <div class='item'>
    Item 2 is very much like item 1.

Codepen demo: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/MmdOMP?editors=1100#0

like image 579
Jakob Avatar asked May 28 '17 18:05


1 Answers

There can be 2 solutions from my point of view:

  1. Use CSS media queries or;
  2. JS solution, explained below:

When item is wrapped it takes 100% width, what you need to do is to check on window resize event the width of the item, and if it is 100% relative to the parent element that means it was wrapped, you can add a class at this point and remove it when the statement is false:

function justifyCenter() {
    var navWidth = $("nav").width();
    var itemWidth = $(".item:first-child").width();

    if (navWidth === itemWidth ) {
    } else {

Codepen demo: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/WzgpLw

like image 175
Ursu Alexandr Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Ursu Alexandr