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Center poly line google maps plugin flutter fit to screen google map

want to find a center of 2 points and fit a map. I want to fit for all screen when I view on map. I draw route ready but it fit to 1 point only. please help me. this class is for map view for a flutter. I try to find plugin and solution more day but still not found.

              mapType: MapType.normal,
              markers: _markers,
//              cameraTargetBounds: CameraTargetBounds(new LatLngBounds(
//                  northeast: LatLng(latFrom, logFrom),
//                  southwest: LatLng(latTo, logTo),
//              )),
//              minMaxZoomPreference: MinMaxZoomPreference(1, 15),
              mapToolbarEnabled: true,
              scrollGesturesEnabled: true,
              zoomGesturesEnabled: true,
              trafficEnabled: true,
              compassEnabled: true,
              indoorViewEnabled: true,
              rotateGesturesEnabled: true,
              tiltGesturesEnabled: true,
              myLocationButtonEnabled: true,
              myLocationEnabled: true,
              polylines: _polyline,
//              padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
                      target: LatLng(latFrom, logFrom),
                      zoom: 10,
              onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
like image 691
Oeng Mengthong Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 11:12

Oeng Mengthong

1 Answers

void _setMapFitToTour(Set<Polyline> p) {
    double minLat = p.first.points.first.latitude;
    double minLong = p.first.points.first.longitude;
    double maxLat = p.first.points.first.latitude;
    double maxLong = p.first.points.first.longitude;
    p.forEach((poly) {
      poly.points.forEach((point) {
        if(point.latitude < minLat) minLat = point.latitude;
        if(point.latitude > maxLat) maxLat = point.latitude;
        if(point.longitude < minLong) minLong = point.longitude;
        if(point.longitude > maxLong) maxLong = point.longitude;
      southwest: LatLng(minLat, minLong),
      northeast: LatLng(maxLat,maxLong)
    ), 20));
like image 50
Vit Lit Avatar answered Jun 05 '23 18:06

Vit Lit