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celerybeat automatically disables periodic task

I'd like to create a periodic task for celery using django-celery's admin interface. I have a task set up which runs great when called manually or by script. It just doesn't work through celerybeat. According to the debug logs the task is set to enabled = False on first retrieval and I wonder why.

When adding the periodic task and passing [1, False] as positional arguments, the task is automatically disabled and I don't see any further output. When added without arguments the task is executed but raises an exception instantly because I didn't supply the needed arguments (makes sense).

Does anyone see what's the problem here?

Thanks in advance.

This is the output after supplying arguments:

[DEBUG/Beat] SELECT "djcelery_periodictask"."id", [...] 
             FROM "djcelery_periodictask" 
             WHERE "djcelery_periodictask"."enabled" = true ; args=(True,)

[DEBUG/Beat] SELECT "djcelery_intervalschedule"."id", [...] 
             FROM "djcelery_intervalschedule" 
             WHERE "djcelery_intervalschedule"."id" = 3 ; args=(3,)

[DEBUG/Beat] SELECT (1) AS "a" 
             FROM "djcelery_periodictask" 
             WHERE "djcelery_periodictask"."id" = 3  LIMIT 1; args=(3,)

[DEBUG/Beat] UPDATE "djcelery_periodictask" 
             SET "name" = E'<taskname>', "task" = E'<task.module.path>', 
                 "interval_id" = 3, "crontab_id" = NULL, 
                 "args" = E'[1, False,]', "kwargs" = E'{}', "queue" = NULL, 
                 "exchange" = NULL, "routing_key" = NULL, 
                 "expires" = NULL, "enabled" = false, 
                 "last_run_at" = E'2011-05-25 00:45:23.242387', "total_run_count" = 9, 
                 "date_changed" = E'2011-05-25 09:28:06.201148' 
             WHERE "djcelery_periodictask"."id" = 3; 
                   u'<periodic-task-name>', u'<task.module.path>', 
                   3, u'[1, False,]', u'{}', 
                   False, u'2011-05-25 00:45:23.242387', 9, 
                   u'2011-05-25 09:28:06.201148', 3

[DEBUG/Beat] Current schedule:
<ModelEntry: celery.backend_cleanup celery.backend_cleanup(*[], **{}) {<crontab: 0 4 * (m/h/d)>}
[DEBUG/Beat] Celerybeat: Waking up in 5.00 seconds.

EDIT: It works with the following setting. I still have no idea why it doesn't work with django-celery.

    "example": {
        "task": "<task.module.path>",
        "schedule": crontab(),
        "args": (1, False)
like image 617
jnns Avatar asked May 25 '11 08:05


1 Answers

I got the same problem too.

With the description of PeriodicTask models in djcelery ("JSON encoded positional arguments"), same as Evan answer. I try using python json lib to encode before save.

And this work with me

import json 
o = PeriodicTask()
o.kwargs = json.dumps({'myargs': 'hello'})

celery version 3.0.11

like image 175
Hardy Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 08:11
