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Celery with Amazon SQS

I want to use Amazon SQS as broker backed of Celery. There’s the SQS transport implementation for Kombu, which Celery depends on. However there is not enough documentation for using it, so I cannot find how to configure SQS on Celery. Is there somebody that had succeeded to configure SQS on Celery?

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minhee Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 09:11


People also ask

What is celery SQS?

Celery is a great and simple Task Queueing system for Python. It allows you to offload heavy tasks to another server and run it asynchronously. It can also run periodic tasks too. It's also surprisingly easy to setup with AWS Simple Queue Service(if your app is hosted with AWS).

What broker does celery support?

Celery is an open-source task queue software written in Python. It's incredibly lightweight, supports multiple brokers (RabbitMQ, Redis, and Amazon SQS), and also integrates with many web frameworks, e.g. Django, etc.

What is the difference between Amazon MQ and SQS?

As I understand, both AWS MQ and AWS SQS are Message Queue tools. The only noted difference is that SQS is fully managed.

2 Answers

I ran into this question several times but still wasn't entirely sure how to setup Celery to work with SQS. It turns out that it is quite easy with the latest versions of Kombu and Celery. As an alternative to the BROKER_URL syntax mentioned in another answer, you can simply set the transport, options, user, and password like so:


This gets around a purported issue with the URL parser that doesn't allow forward slashes in your API secret, which seems to be a fairly common occurrence with AWS. Since there didn't seem to be a wealth of information out there about the topic yet, I also wrote a short blog post on the topic here:


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tobias.mcnulty Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09


I'm using Celery 3.0 and was getting deprecation warnings when launching the worker with the BROKER_USER / BROKER_PASSWORD settings.

I took a look at the SQS URL parsing in kombo.utils.url._parse_url and it is calling urllib.unquote on the username and password elements of the URL.

So, to workaround the issue of secret keys with forward slashes, I was able to successfully use the following for the BROKER_URL:

import urllib BROKER_URL = 'sqs://%s:%s@' % (urllib.quote(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, safe=''),                                urllib.quote(AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, safe='')) 

I'm not sure if access keys can ever have forward slashes in them but it doesn't hurt to quote it as well.

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CalloRico Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09
