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celery stuck at mingle: searching for neighbors, doesn't get to ready state




I had run celery for my project using 10 threads. It worked perfectly. Now, when i use the command:

celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info --concurrency 10

celery get stuck at :

[2014-08-07 12:55:21,013: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to amqp://guest:**@
[2014-08-07 12:55:21,025: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors

earlier it showed ready state after this.

and when i try to end this using ctrl+c, it doesn't shutdown.

[2014-08-07 12:55:21,013: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to     amqp://guest:**@
[2014-08-07 12:55:21,025: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
worker: Hitting Ctrl+C again will terminate all running tasks!

worker: Warm shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)
worker: Cold shutdown (MainProcess)

I even tried to assign task to the workers, but it doesn't work.

I want to celery to be at ready state? can anybody help?

Also I need a proper way to end celery process, including tasks,queues annd workers. thanks.

like image 434
mayankchutani Avatar asked Aug 07 '14 13:08


People also ask

How do you stop a celery worker?

In this setup, when running a celery worker with --pool solo option, kill -KILL <pid> stops worker immediately.

Is celery worker a process?

When you run a celery worker, it creates one parent process to manage the running tasks. This process handles the book keeping features like sending/receiving queue messages, registering tasks, killing hung tasks, tracking status, etc.

1 Answers

Check your free disk space. RabbitMQ requires 1Gb of free space by default.

like image 102
Andrey Fedoseev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Andrey Fedoseev