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Category usage in Objective-C



I'm seeing some code I've inherited that looks like the following:

@interface SomeClass (private)

This is within SomeClass.m, the implementation file. There is an accompanying header file which doesn't suggest that the class is using a category. Is (private) in this case just a poor name given to a category for SomeClass? And I'm assuming it's perfectly legitimate to specify categories such as these in an implementation?

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Coocoo4Cocoa Avatar asked Dec 11 '08 21:12


People also ask

What is a category and when is it used in iOS?

A category allow you to add (only) methods to a class by declaring them in an interface file (. h) and defining them in an implementation file (. m), like in a basic Objective-C class. Sadly a category can't declare additional instance variable for a class.

What is the difference between Category & Extension?

Category and extension both are basically made to handle large code base, but category is a way to extend class API in multiple source files while extension is a way to add required methods outside the main interface file.

What are categories in iOS?

You use categories to define additional methods of an existing class—even one whose source code is unavailable to you—without subclassing. You typically use a category to add methods to an existing class, such as one defined in the Cocoa frameworks.

1 Answers

It isn't the name "private" that makes it private; the methods are private because they are in a category declared within the implementation file.

There are three uses of a category, each of which add methods to a class (note: methods only, not iVars)

Extending an existing Cocoa class

This lets you add your own methods to an existing class. For example, if you want to extend NSString to apply special capitalization, you could create a new class called, say NSString+Capitals. in the NSString+Capitals.h you would have:

@interface NSString (Capitals)

-(NSString *)alternateCaps:(NSString *)aString;


and in NSString+Capitals.m you would implement the method

@implementation NSString (Capitals)
-(NSString *)alternateCaps:(NSString *)aString
    // Implementation

Private methods on a class

This is the same as above, except that the extra methods are declared and defined in the implementation file (.m) Usually a way of having private methods - because they are not in the .h file (which is the one #imported by other classes) they are simply not visible. In this case, the implementation of the methods are done in their own implementation block. e.g

// someClass.m
@interface someClass (extension)

@implementation someClass
    // all the methods declared in the .h file and any superclass
    // overrides in this block

@implementation someClass (extension)
-(void)extend {
    // implement private method here;

Class Extension (New for 10.5 Leopard)

A simpler way of having private methods. In this special case, the category name is empty and the private methods are implemented in the same block as all the other class methods.

// someClass.m
@interface someClass ()

@implementation someClass
    // all the methods declared in the .h file and any superclass
    // overrides in this block
    // Implement private methods in this block as well.
-(void)extend {
    // implement private method here;


Here's a link to the Apple docs on Categories and extensions.

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Abizern Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
