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Catching all JavaScript errors/exceptions on Wii/Opera 9

I am updating a site that I've built for the Nintendo Wii, and am looking for a good way to debug the application. Wii's browser (a version of Opera 9.3) does not have any sort of JavaScript console. I was going to use one of the various remote debug console solutions (such as jsconsole.com), but none of them seem to work. I suspect the reason for this is some sort of unsupported functionality, but I cannot figure out what that is without a console or some sort of error output.

Things I've tried:

  1. window.onerror (Not supported until Opera 11.6)
  2. Overriding the Error.prototype.toString method (works on desktops, not on Wii)
  3. Code that appears to wrap script in try/catch blocks (Exceptions aren't thrown for reference errors and what not. try/catch works, but only for exceptions I throw.)
  4. <body onerror="alert('ERROR!!!')" />
  5. PhoneGap's Remote Debugger / Weinre

Are there any other suggestions for catching errors and unhandled exceptions for an entire page?

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Brad Avatar asked Sep 30 '12 19:09


People also ask

How do I see JavaScript errors?

Right-click anywhere in the webpage and then select Inspect. Or, press F12 . DevTools opens next to the webpage. In the top right of DevTools, the Open Console to view errors button displays an error about the webpage.

2 Answers

this link was suggestting lookimng into firebug lite. I don't know how it would fare on the wii browser as I don't own the device.

It's a pity that the engine is too old for supporting draagonfly.

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dvhh Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


You could always program in the debugging code yourself, for instance:

    alert('yourFunction failed!');
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user1794944 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
