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Catch multiple errorTypes?

I'm looking for a way to catch multiple types of errors in a catch. I've tried fallthrough and the comma separated style from a switch statement and neither works. The docs say nothing about catching multiple but pattern 1. It's not clear to me which of the pattern syntaxes would work here.

Error definitions (sample):

enum AppErrors {
  case NotFound(objectType: String, id: Int)
  case AlreadyUsed


do {
} catch AppErrors.NotFound {
} catch AppErrors.AlreadyUsed {
} catch {
  print("Unhandled error: \(error)")

Does not compile, is it possible to do something like this?

do {
} catch AppErrors.NotFound, AppErrors.AlreadyUsed {
} catch {
  print("Unhandled error: \(error)")
like image 222
SimplGy Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 21:04


1 Answers

If you want to catch all AppErrors, you can use this pattern:

catch is AppErrors

If you're looking for more specific matching, it seems to quickly get ugly.

This will let us catch specific cases of AppErrors:

catch let error as AppErrors where error == .NotFound || error == .AlreadyUsed

There's also this syntax which seems to work:

catch let error as AppErrors where [.NotFound, .AlreadyUsed].contains(error)

For completeness sake, I'll also add this option, which allows us to catch errors of two different types, but it doesn't allow us to specify which case within those types:

catch let error where error is AppErrors || error is NSError

Finally, based on the fact that anything we catch will conform to the ErrorType protocol, we can clean up the second & third examples I provided with an ErrorType extension and use that in conjunction where a where clause in our catch:

extension ErrorType {
    var isFooError: Bool {
        guard let err = self as? AppErrors else { return false }
        return err == .NotFound || err == .AlreadyUsed

And just catch it like this:

catch let error where error.isFooError
like image 99
nhgrif Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10
