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Catch exception thrown from an async lambda

I am trying to write a method that tries to execute an action but swallows any exceptions that are raised.

My first attempt is the following:

public static void SafeExecute(Action actionThatMayThrowException) {
    try {
    } catch {
        // noop

Which works when called with a synchronous action:

SafeExecute(() => { 
    throw new Exception(); 

However fails when called with an asynchronous action:

SafeExecute(async () => { 
    await Task.FromResult(0);
    throw new Exception(); 

Is is possible to write a method that handles both scenarios?

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kimsagro Avatar asked Aug 14 '14 09:08


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1 Answers

To correctly handle async delegates you shouldn't use Action (this will cause the lambda expression to be async void which is dangerous and should be avoided), you should use Func<Task> to be able to await it:

public static async Task SafeExecute(Func<Task> asyncActionThatMayThrowException)
        await asyncActionThatMayThrowException();
        // noop

This will solve the async case, but not the synchronous case. You can't do both with a single method. To do that you would need a different method, but it can still call the async one to enable reuse:

private static readonly Task<object> _completedTask = Task.FromResult<object>(null);

public static void SafeExecute(Action actionThatMayThrowException)
    SafeExecute(() =>
        return _completedTask;

I wouldn't actually recommend disregarding unhandled exceptions in this way. You should consider at least logging the exception.

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i3arnon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
