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Catch-all Controller/Route



If I want to catch every single non existing URL that was passed to my web application and serve them a view without serving a 404, how would I do that?

Essentially I need to record the statistics based on these hits, but I need to do it by serving content and not a 404 error.

As far as I can tell from application/config/routes.php, I could use

$route['default_controller'] = 'catchall';

but I need that for my actual web application.

I could also use

$route['404_override'] = 'catchall';

but I don't want to throw 404s.

I tried using

$route['(:any)'] = '$1';

but I need to record the entire URL (e.g. any length of segments), not just the first segment.

like image 613
bafromca Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 18:09


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1 Answers

Use $route['(:any)'] = 'catchall_controller'. Then in your controller you can access the URI segments using $this->uri->segment(n).

like image 167
birderic Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 06:01
