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Casting to byte in C# [duplicate]





Possible Duplicate:
What happens when you cast from short to byte in C#?

Can someone explain what's happening when casting a value to a byte, if it's outside the range of min/max byte? It seems to be taking the integer value and modulo it with 255. I'm trying to understand the reason for why this doesn't throw an exception.

int i = 5000;
byte b = (byte)i;

Console.WriteLine(b);  // outputs 136
like image 935
Stealth Rabbi Avatar asked Sep 24 '12 21:09

Stealth Rabbi

1 Answers

5000 is represented as 4 bytes (int) (hexadecimal)


Now, when you convert it to byte, it just takes the last 1-byte.

Reason: At the IL level, conv.u1 operator will be used which will truncate the high order bits if overflow occurs converting int to byte. (See remarks section in the conv.u1 documentation).


which is 136 in decimal representation

like image 118
prashanth Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10
