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Cast to generic type in C#

The following seems to work as well, and it's a little bit shorter than the other answers:

T result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(otherTypeObject, typeof(T));

Does this work for you?

interface IMessage
    void Process(object source);

class LoginMessage : IMessage
    public void Process(object source)

abstract class MessageProcessor
    public abstract void ProcessMessage(object source, object type);

class MessageProcessor<T> : MessageProcessor where T: IMessage
    public override void ProcessMessage(object source, object o) 
        if (!(o is T)) {
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        ProcessMessage(source, (T)o);

    public void ProcessMessage(object source, T type)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Dictionary<Type, MessageProcessor> messageProcessors = new Dictionary<Type, MessageProcessor>();
        messageProcessors.Add(typeof(string), new MessageProcessor<LoginMessage>());
        LoginMessage message = new LoginMessage();
        Type key = message.GetType();
        MessageProcessor processor = messageProcessors[key];
        object source = null;
        processor.ProcessMessage(source, message);

This gives you the correct object. The only thing I am not sure about is whether it is enough in your case to have it as an abstract MessageProcessor.

Edit: I added an IMessage interface. The actual processing code should now become part of the different message classes that should all implement this interface.

I had a similar problem. I have a class;


which has a property of type T.

How do I get the property when I don't know T? I can't cast to Action<> unless I know T.


Implement a non-generic interface;

public interface IGetGenericTypeInstance
    object GenericTypeInstance();

Now I can cast the object to IGetGenericTypeInstance and GenericTypeInstance will return the property as type object.

Type type = typeof(MessageProcessor<>).MakeGenericType(key);

That's the best you can do, however without actually knowing what type it is, there's really not much more you can do with it.

EDIT: I should clarify. I changed from var type to Type type. My point is, now you can do something like this:

object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

obj will now be the correct type, but since you don't know what type "key" is at compile time, there's no way to cast it and do anything useful with it.

You can write a method that takes the type as a generic parameter:

void GenericProcessMessage<T>(T message)
    MessageProcessor<T> processor = messageProcessors[typeof(T)]
        as MessageProcessor<T>;

    //  Call method processor or whatever you need to do

Then you need a way to call the method with the correct generic argument. You can do this with reflection:

public void ProcessMessage(object message)
    Type messageType = message.GetType();
    MethodInfo method = this.GetType().GetMethod("GenericProcessMessage");
    MethodInfo closedMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(messageType);
    closedMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] {message});