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Cast Hibernate result to a list of objects




I have a hibernate call in my DAO that looks like this

List<Associate> associate = (List<Associate>)session.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id = :id AND fk_associate_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2)").setParameter("id", id).list();

I am getting an error saying that I cannot cast the resulting list to the model type Associate. I don't understand why this is happening. I am returning only the fields that are in the associates table.

like image 466
JohnnyQuestIsASellOut Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 14:02


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1 Answers

You need to specify the class of entity the result should be converted to using addEntity(), because you are executing SQL query that doesn't know anything about entities:

List<Associate> associate = (List<Associate>) session.createSQLQuery(
    "SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id = :id AND fk_associate_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2)")
    .setParameter("id", id).list(); 

See also:

  • 18.1.2. Entity queries
like image 159
axtavt Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
