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Case insensitive order by with ormlite and sqlite in android

I want to order my data objects from an ORMLite DAO case insensitively.

Currently I am using the following sqlite code to order my owner items case sensitively:

ownerDao.queryBuilder().orderBy("Name", true).query();

I see here that sqlite supports case insensitive "order by" with the following raw SQL:


Any easy way (easier than calling queryRaw()) of adding the desired suffix?

Could an alternative solution be to set the columnDefinition property on the DatabaseField annotation to TEXT COLLATE NOCASE?

like image 575
Diederik Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 13:04


People also ask

How do you make case insensitive comparisons in SQLite?

To be case insensitive on firstname , write this: select * from tbl where firstname='john' COLLATE NOCASE and lastname='doe' . It's specific to that one column, not the entire where clause.

Is SQLite query case sensitive?

The important point to be noted is that SQLite is case insensitive, i.e. the clauses GLOB and glob have the same meaning in SQLite statements.

1 Answers

I think what you want is to use the QueryBuilder.orderByRaw(String) method. It would look something like:

ownerDao.queryBuilder().orderByRaw("Name COLLATE NOCASE").query();

Notice the raw string does not contain the ORDER BY part of the string. To quote the javadocs:

Add raw SQL "ORDER BY" clause to the SQL query statement. This should not include the "ORDER BY".

The TEXT COLLATE NOCASE columnDefinition might work although I don't have any experience with using that at all.

Also, I would not use the orderBy("Name COLLATE NOCASE", true) answer since typically ORMLite tries to escape the column names and the quotes would be in the wrong place.

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Gray Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10
