Cartopy can't draw virtually anything. Even a simple example results in a segfault. Segmentation fault
is all Python 3.7.0
says before crashing. So does Python 3.6.6
The faulty line appear to be ax.coastlines()
gives the same silent segfault as well.
is 2.2.3
Cartopy is the most recent by the date, 0.16.0
, installed with pip
. All the requirements (six
, pyshp
, setuptools
, shapely
, numpy
) are met. Reinstalling with pip
doesn't help. Installing the same Cartopy version from repo doesn't help either. The OS is Debian 10 (beta).
The same outcome is with Cartopy 0.15.1
What else can I check to find the cause of the segfault?
Just in case, matplotlib.rcParams
are the following:
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In practice, segfaults are almost always due to trying to read or write a non-existent array element, not properly defining a pointer before using it, or (in C programs) accidentally using a variable's value as an address (see the scanf example below).
The function foo, when it is invoked, continues to invoke itself, allocating additional space on the stack each time, until the stack overflows resulting in a segmentation fault.
A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way that is not allowed (for example, attempting to write to a read-only location, or to overwrite part of the operating system).
Tip: A segmentation fault (also known as segfault) is a common condition that causes programs to crash; A segmentation fault is typically caused by a program trying to read from or write to an illegal memory location, that is, part of the memory to which the program is not supposed to have access.
Finally, I found this comment. The issue describes different symptoms but the suggested solution works:
pip uninstall shapely pip install --no-binary :all: shapely
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